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RE: logging engagement, clever ways?

Former Member, Addaswyd 9 Years yn ôl.

logging engagement, clever ways?

I'm told we used to use Limehouse/Objective but it got axed, now we have a rather complicated series of Excel spreadsheets which go from (initially) topic / spatial area, into another set gathered around themes - in order to be able to see the thread from comments to drafted policies...

its quite clunky, and repeats work, and needs to re-jigged for every new stage of plan development / addition.

i wonder if anyone reponsible for engagement in their teams has good tips / clever ways of logging comments in a useful / easy / adaptable way??

cheers for any advice.

(NB i also wonder if anyone wants to make a mini network of those involved in engagement? as its a massive subject all of its own!)


Former Member, Addaswyd 9 Years yn ôl.

RE: logging engagement, clever ways?

Have you tried using Microsoft Access?

We use that.