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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Heddiw

Refusal to submitt the Additional Information form

Rebecca Martin, Addaswyd 5 Years yn ôl.

Refusal to submitt the Additional Information form

Enthusiast Postiadau: 77 Dyddiad Ymuno: 06/09/2013 Bostiadau diweddar


We have an application for 4 holiday lets that the agent is saying is not C3 therefore not CIL liable. We have already rejected his arguments as it is still residential. However he is refusing to submit any of the CIL forms including the Additional Information form. Has any one calculated a CIL liability without any forms? Does anyone know if there is there anything in legislation/appeals that prevents us doing this?

Any help would be much appreciated.


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