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Local Plan Allocations

Hannah C, Addaswyd 5 Years yn ôl.

Local Plan Allocations

New Member Postiadau: 2 Dyddiad Ymuno: 15/03/2018 Bostiadau diweddar

I am in the process of producing our site selection methodology to determine which sites we allocate through the Local Plan. We have assessed all sites through the Strategic Land Availability Assessment but it is not the role of the SLAA to allocate sites as it is a technical study. In our draft site selection methodology we have included a threshold to assess those sites capable of accommodating over 100 dwellings or those that are considered to be of a strategic nature or will unlock infrastructure etc regardless of size. We therefore point out that smaller sites identified in the SLAA deemed available, suitable and achievable will likely be delivered through the planning process. I am struggling to find any guidance on allocating sites and if a threshold should be employed at all, given the reference to small and medium sites in the NPPF at para 68. Has anyone else given much consideration to a threshold or does anyone know of any helpful guidance?
