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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
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Holding LPA to account on possible different requirements for applications

Richard Mulholland, Addaswyd 5 Years yn ôl.

Holding LPA to account on possible different requirements for applications

Enthusiast Postiadau: 35 Dyddiad Ymuno: 19/09/2014 Bostiadau diweddar

If a local land owner applies for a residential 50 house development and the LPA requires substantial perimeter landscaping; when the same LPA does not require landscaping for a number of other sites including a major house builder with a larger more visible/obtrusive 100+ house development who if any body/person can the local land owner request advise from and/or complain to.

The above accepts that "every site & decision is a separate matter" however surely there must be reasonably open and understandable standardised requirements within each LPA.