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Fees following refusal of a Lawful Development Certificate ie: PP required

Michelle Markwick, Addaswyd 4 Years yn ôl.

Fees following refusal of a Lawful Development Certificate ie: PP required

New Member Postiadau: 3 Dyddiad Ymuno: 20/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar

I just wanted to find out if there are any other Councils out there who only charge half the relevant planning application fee following refusal of a Lawful Development Certification (proposed).

It was my understanding that the fee for a Lawful Development Certificate (proposed) is charged at half the relevant planning fee - say £103.00 for a householder development and if that application was refused (the works exceeds permitted development, therefore planning permission would be required) and then if a planning application were submitted the Council would then charge the full planning fee, say £206.00 for householder development.

Some councils do not follow this rule of thumb and will only change £103.00 for the planning application, essentially adding the two fees together to make the planning application fee and determining the Lawful Development Certificate for free.

I am interested to know how many Councils follow this customer friendly services? or have I miss-interpreted the fee regulations altogether and this is what Councils should be doing?






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