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Query about NPPG on meeting self-build demand

David Davies, Addaswyd 4 Years yn ôl.

Query about NPPG on meeting self-build demand

New Member Postiadau: 7 Dyddiad Ymuno: 19/11/2018 Bostiadau diweddar



I am the planning officer who maintains my authority's self-build register.


Reading NPPG (Paragraph: 023 Reference ID: 57-023-201760728) . This seems to say "The level of demand is established by reference to the number of entries.." and "..relevant authorities have 3 years in which to permission an equivalent number of plots of there are entries for that base period".

So is the Government saying Councils must meet the number of entries in Base Periods, or the total plots demanded by those entries? (We have a couple of associations on our register so there would be a significant difference between the two figures).

Any views gratefully received.


David Davies