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RE: CIL Bespoke Instalments Policy

Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

CIL Bespoke Instalments Policy

We are looking at implementing a bespoke instalments policy as an amendment to our existing instalments policy.

The will provide an opportunity for individuals who would find a one-off payment a hardship and can enter into a bespoke payment plan as a fairer way of payment due to difficult circumstances.

Does anyone else operate with a payment plan similar to this?

Or does anybody else have a mechanism or suggestion for how to deal with cases where individuals have received large bills but would have been exempt had they followed the procedure?


Thanks in advance for any and all responses

Helen Hotchkiss, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: CIL Bespoke Instalments Policy

New Member Postiadau: 10 Dyddiad Ymuno: 26/06/2013 Bostiadau diweddar
I'm interested in following this thread too.  We've got a current case where an applicant is not disputing the charge but has requested we allow him to pay by instalments.  We're awaiting advice from our Legal Team but our inclination is to offer him a repayment plan over 12 months; we figure that we are better off trying to secure the income this way rather than following formal recovery action through court.
Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: CIL Bespoke Instalments Policy

Hi Both

We too have the same issues, where its mainly self-build schemes where no Form 6 has been submitted and they then subsequently get a deemed commencement adding surcharges and making the CIL amount payable immediately. Be really interested to know how other Councils are dealing with this.



Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: CIL Bespoke Instalments Policy


Just as an update we were able to provide a bespoke instalment plan for the client and have gone ahead with a bespoke instalments policy. This mechanism should allow us to have that flexibility needed for geniuine cases of hardship where the client is in an impossible financial situation and the case needs to be treated differently. As the bespoke instalments policy is at our discretion we hopefully won't encounter any issues and will only use it when needed.


Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: CIL Bespoke Instalments Policy

This  thread is very interesting as we have a case where an applicant has asked for exemption to be be applied after  deemed commencement, blaming his agent for not submitting Form 9 (extensions) and Form 6 (commencement).   The bill is  hefty as the extension is very large and it unlikely that the householder can/will pay this.  We have had legal advice that we are unable to apply a late exemption and were thinking that we could decide to take no recovery action at this point - leaving the outstanding liability on the local land charge register.   I think a bespoke instalment plan may assist in this matter. Alec - I would be interested in how the mechanism has been implemented ie. was it approved by Members and is the ability for a bespoke instalement plan to be agreed in certain circumstances set out on your Council's website?



Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: CIL Bespoke Instalments Policy

Hi Tania,

Thank you for your reply. We were able to make an amendment to our instalments policy upon review without going through full council or cabinet. Our Bespoke Instalments Policy is detailed within our recently published CIL implementation policies on our District Council website. So far we haven't had any issues although if we do you can be sure i'll be straight on here for some advice!!!

Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: CIL Bespoke Instalments Policy

Hi all. I've been following this thread with interest as we've been considering the same issues. 

I'm really keen to understand more about the criteria that you are using to guage and/or measure hardship.  We have no corporate policy in place so no internal document or policy to reference in any revised CIL Policy. 

I'd be very grateful for any advice.



Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: CIL Bespoke Instalments Policy


At the moment there is no specified criteria as such, it is more of a discretionary process looking at it as a case by case situation. Moving forwards it may become best practice to set out some criteria to be eligible for the bespoke instalments policy to ensure consistency. However at the moment we are at very early stages and are therefore just testing the waters to workout the best way forwards.

If you haven't already implemented CIL yet then it should be easy to incorporate a bespoke instalment plan option into your instalments policy (assuming you will have one) at inception.


Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: CIL Bespoke Instalments Policy

Thanks for the feedback Alec. We have implemented CIL so I'll be investigating routes to allow change to our installment policy, perhaps after Housing White Paper publication.