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RE: Approval of Planning Obligations

Rosalind Bentley, Addaswyd 4 Years yn ôl.

Approval of Planning Obligations

New Member Postiadau: 9 Dyddiad Ymuno: 12/08/2013 Bostiadau diweddar

How do people deal with the situation when a S106 has an obligation to approve a certain detail?  For example we often have an Obligation to submit and gain approval or agreement to the Affordable housing scheme or a the Play area and then another obligation to actually provide said item.  Currently for us these details are added to the original planning application file (that the main S106 is linked to).  Then the consultations are manually carried out (as our system is not set up to be able to do post decision consultations) and if details are acceptable an 'approval' letter is sent alongside a delegated authority form being completed.  This is a clunky way to carry out this work and the requests to get such things approved often end up getting lost or forgotten.  So I was thinking of setting up a new application type on our system such as an 'Application for Approval of Obligations'.  Similar to our 'Approval of Conditions' process.  Can I have any views or idea's on how others deal with these.

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Rosalind Bentley, Addaswyd 4 Years yn ôl.

RE: Approval of Planning Obligations

New Member Postiadau: 9 Dyddiad Ymuno: 12/08/2013 Bostiadau diweddar

Thank you for this info