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Removal of Public Call Boxes

Lisa Walton, Addaswyd 4 Years yn ôl.

Removal of Public Call Boxes

New Member Postiadau: 9 Dyddiad Ymuno: 31/01/2020 Bostiadau diweddar

I'm just interested if there is anyone with relevant experience, from the LPA side, on being notified by BT on the removal of a public phone box.  From reading the Ofcom guidance: , it suggests that it is the relevant public body (the Local Authority) who consider all the public consultation responses, and issue a draft decision notice?  I cannot find any information in the GPDO under Part 16.

Does the LPA need to publish the letter and give the public 42 days to consider the responses to removal. Other than the 6 community requirements of the communications act 2003 (the phone boxes aren't listed structures) is there anything else to consider, are there any templates out there?

Any guidance appreciated.
