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Ministerial Statement - Extension to Construction Hours

Emma Lucas, Addaswyd 4 Years yn ôl.

Ministerial Statement - Extension to Construction Hours

New Member Postiadau: 5 Dyddiad Ymuno: 11/02/2014 Bostiadau diweddar

Last week's ministerial statement has brought a rush of emails from developers asking to extend their construction hours until 9pm Monday to Saturdays.  

I must say that the guidance is vague to say the least and requires LPA's to form a view on whether a formal application is required but no guidance on what this would be (NMA? S73?).

It states that decisions should be made in 10 days which would rule out any form of consultation and that there is a presumption to allow working until 9pm unless there are "very compelling reasons against this"

I would suggest that close proximity to existing residential properties (where we are already getting increasing complaints about noise from the site disturbing home workers)  could form "very compelling reasons"


How are people dealing with these requests?