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CIL Self Build Extension

Evelyn O'Carroll, Addaswyd 3 Years yn ôl.

CIL Self Build Extension

New Member Postiadau: 2 Dyddiad Ymuno: 22/05/2019 Bostiadau diweddar


I have the following scenario and would appreciate your thoughts.

An applicant has queried whether he would qualify for a self-build extension exemption for an extension on a house he has bought to refurbish and live in thereafter. He does not currently live in the house and has advised that it is not in a habitable state.

I advised that as he does not satisfy clause (b) below, I would not be able to grant the exemption.

42A.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (5) and (6), a person (P) is exempt from liability to pay CIL in respect of
development if—
(a) P owns a material interest in a dwelling (“main dwelling”);
(b) P occupies the main dwelling as P’s sole or main residence; and
(c) the development is a residential annex or a residential extension.

He has queried this and stated that the CIL regulations do not take account of people in his situation. Has anyone else had this scenario and how have you dealt with it?

Any advice appreciated.



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