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RE: Employment Land Supply

Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

Employment Land Supply

Hi everyone,

The PPG sets out the methodology for identifying the demand for employment land and identifying the supply of sites (assuming demand is positive, of course). This requires a full SHLAA-type assessment for the availability of employment sites to demonstrate whether there are sufficient sites to meet the demand. The PPG is a touch ambiguous as to what the output is - the flow chart simply says that it "informs development plan preparation" and Stage 5 of the methodology says that an indicative trajectory should be produced, though there doesn't appear to be a 5 year land supply test for employment uses.

Has anyone carried out this exercise or had a plan adopted since the PPG was issued that covered this issue? We're (Wandsworth) are intending on doing a site assessment exercise for employment land, but it would be useful to see what others have done.




Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: Employment Land Supply

Yes. Several inside and outside London. Currently working with RB Kingston on this.

Guidance advises SHLAA and Economic Land Assessments be combined.   This produces particular issues in London.  

PAS intended to supplement the (weak and non specific) Guidance 27.03.2015 by publishing recent good practice advice following on from some excellent seminars last March but this has been stalled - by considerations around the Local Plans Expert Group at DCLG I understand.  Special considerations apply in London I would suggest but whether a London chpater to this advice will be forthcoming I dont know. I wrote to PAS asking about timetable a couple of weeks ago but so far no reply - no doubt people are on holiday.

Since RB Kingston share a SHMA with adjoining Surrey districts then this is a further consideration but harmonisation will help to ensure the RBK LAA is thoroughly robust and sound.  Such an approach should help if and when someone points out at a local plan examination that the London wide SHLAA isnt NPPF/PG compliant - as will happen sooner or later but so far has been dodged by PINS.

As London Boroughs are coming forward claiming that OAHN (and OAEN) cannot be met locally and seeking to displace into wider SE expect more attention to be focussed on this matter and those LBs finalising LP submission resting their case on environmental capacity type arguments need to consider if their LAA is adaquate to demonstrate rigour.

Happy further discuss further the methodology RBK are to use. etc.


Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: Employment Land Supply

Hello Philip - sorry you didn't get a reply to your email to PAS - you are right, holiday time. Or we just forgot.

Anyway, I'm attaching where we got to with the HEDNA and SHELAA draft notes. These are very much our notes (written with one of our suppliers) and are not endorsed or anything by DCLG. We didn't publish them formally because of the LPEG report, but as at the moment the approach still stands, I don't see why I can't post the notes up as drafts here. I have no  timetable from DCLG for hte response to LPEG, I think they are still considering it and discussing with the new ministers, but I wouln't be surprised if there was somethin in autumn (history has shown planning announcements in the autumn statement, but I am only speculating).


If you have any comments on the attached (were they useful?) or suggested amendments, please let us know.


Head of PAS

Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: Employment Land Supply

Thanks Philip and Alice - I'll take a look at the notes and put my thoughts back up here (just returned from leave myself so catching up with stuff); I may get in touch with you directly Philip if that's OK.
Judith Orr, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: Employment Land Supply

New Member Postiadau: 11 Dyddiad Ymuno: 06/10/2015 Bostiadau diweddar


Very interested in this issue as we are currently trying to do just this in Buckinghamshire. Our OAEN paints a very different picture to our market demand and trying to reconcile the two across the FEMA is proving extremely complex.

Like you we have been reading the Draft PAS Economic Development note from 2016 in detail and also trying to take account of the NPPG.

Also trying to calculate potential employment loses over the Local Plan periods to PD and other uses is difficult and would be interested to know if others have tried to do this and, if so, how



Judith Orr, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: Employment Land Supply

New Member Postiadau: 11 Dyddiad Ymuno: 06/10/2015 Bostiadau diweddar

Hi Rob


We are currently grappling with this issue. Have Wandsworth got anything on this issue that I can have a look at?






Kirsten Ward, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: Employment Land Supply

New Member Post: 1 Dyddiad Ymuno: 05/05/2017 Bostiadau diweddar


We in Sheffield also have a query regarding employment land supply. 

We're looking for examples of how many years’ employment land allocations authorities have included in their local plans?  Is it essential to allocate sites to meet identified need for the whole plan period, or is it possible to identify, say, a 5 year supply, which is then updated on a rolling basis? 

I note that the draft guidance from PAS suggests a 5 year supply is acceptable, but I’m looking for example of authorities whose plans have been found sound with an employment land supply less than the whole plan period.

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks