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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - May

Identifying qualifying dwellings

Former Member, Addaswyd 3 Years yn ôl.

Identifying qualifying dwellings


I have a site that comprises affordable (13 units) and market housing (14 units). Before commencement, Party A assumed liability for the whole site and claimed social housing relief (SHR) on the relevant units.  As required, they identified  the social housing qualifying dwellings to enable the correct SHR amount to be calculated. Work commenced and a demand notice was issued for the remaining charge on the market units.

But, turns out that the site is actually owned by Party A (social housing) and Party B (market housing), and Party B have now said that they are to pay the due charge relating to the market housing. On request, they've submitted a transfer of liability relating to the 14 market housing units only. However, it lists the relevant market plots to be transferred and that makes clear that there was an error in the original SHR claim. Party A, as the SHR claimant, claimed SHR for 'Plot 1' when they should have claimed SHR for 'Plot 2'.  Party B have confirmed that Plot 1 is to be a market unit.

Technically, I think that error means Plot 1 stops being social housing and so can't benefit from relief, but they can't make a new claim for SHR on Plot 2 because the development has commenced.

Am I interpreting this correctly? Or is there a way round this? Thanks.