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Taking credit card payments (transaction fees)

Hans Bray, Addaswyd 3 Years yn ôl.

Taking credit card payments (transaction fees)

Enthusiast Postiadau: 41 Dyddiad Ymuno: 23/09/2019 Bostiadau diweddar

To try and bring ourselves into at least the 20th Century we have started accepting payment of fees online (as we're a CPA this is mainly for fees that cannot go via Planning Portal, such as Minerals applications). We decided to use GOV.UK pay as that was a simple option that our IT dept were willing to implement. What nobody told us until after launch was the transaction fees for using the service - all through testing these had been 0). 

The fees are not huge <1% but for large applications where the fees are often in the £000s that is still a significant amount compared to handling cheques (unknown, largely 'hidden costs' of manual handling - but 'fixed' cost rather than %age).

I know other authorities accept card payment online/over the phone. Do they just absorb the transaction cost? I realise most businesses would just see this as part of the 'cost of doing business', but it's causing waves of issues here...  Is the fact that we do not actually receive the full statutory amount of the planning fee a problem? 

I assume that the Planning Portal absorb the transaction fees as part of their £25 service charge they impose on the applicant for using their system, because they always transfer us the full fee due.

We cannot calculate the cost and charge the applicant the fee, because it varies depending on the type of card used (unknown until they pay).

Any thoughts/justifications/internal discussions/agreements with management about this issue would be interesting to hear.