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CLOSED THREAD: pre-development site degradation by developers

Rebecca Moberly, Addaswyd 2 Years yn ôl.

CLOSED THREAD: pre-development site degradation by developers

New Member Postiadau: 23 Dyddiad Ymuno: 31/03/2021 Bostiadau diweddar



A LGA colleague has asked me to pass on this request from a Member. They want to know whether other local authorities have been experiencing land owners or developers destroying wildlife/flora/fauna on sites on which they want planning permission. They are working with a member of the House of Lords to put forward an amendment to the Environment Bill giving councils the power to list sites at risk of biodiversity loss along with inspection and enforcement powers.

They are keen to gather other examples to support any debate on the amendment.

If you are willing and able to share examples of this happening in your area please post here or send direct to Andrew Richmond LGA Adviser - Environment: Please let Andrew know if they need to be kept confidential or not.

As this is to support an amendment to the Environment Bill that is currently going through the Lords, it would be very helpful to have examples as soon as possible and by the end of this week at the latest please.