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When does a removal or variation of condition create new PP liable for CIL

Lillian Wakely, Addaswyd 6 Years yn ôl.

When does a removal or variation of condition create new PP liable for CIL

New Member Postiadau: 3 Dyddiad Ymuno: 17/11/2016 Bostiadau diweddar

If you have an application for a removal or variation of condition it can sometimes create a whole new PP.

Where the original PP was granted prior to a CIL Charging Schedule being in place, an application to remove/vary a condition once a Charging Schedule has been adopted can therefore create CIL liability on the entire floor space (for example not just on any increase in floor area).

My question is, how do you determine whether a removal/variation of condition creates a whole new PP? And do you therefore determine that this creates CIL liability on the whole of the chargeable floor space of the development?

Thanks in advance for any help.