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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Wythnos yma

Re: Use of S106 to secure skills, training and employment benefits.

Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Use of S106 to secure skills, training and employment benefits.

Authorities securing s106 benefits related to training and skills was mentioned at the recent PAS round table discussions on CIL - I had not come across this before. I would be very keen to know whether there are lots of authorities achieving this ( or who have achieved it in the past ).

A few wee questions:

What benefit has been achieved?
Has you had to justify it? If so,how has it been justified?
Do you have policies or supplementary guidance related to achieving this?
What types of development have had this as a head ot terms?

In addition, if you haven't used s 106 in this way you views would also be interesting.

Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Use of S106 to secure skills, training and employment benefits.

Within the City of London we have been seeking s106 contributions towards training and skills provision in the City and City Fringe for a number of years. Justification for this is set out in our adopted Planning Obligations SPG 2004. The provisions are applied principally to commercial development. We have also used the SPG to seek and achieve financial contributions from commercial development to the provision of affordable housing, principally outside of the City. The SPG is available on the City's website at:
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Use of S106 to secure skills, training and employment benefits.

Southwark Council also sets out in its Adopted SPD 2007 on S106 Planning Obligations two standard HoTs in relation to Employment and Enterprise - 1) jobs in the final development, payable on all office and/or retail developments with 1000sqm or more GIA floorspace net increase, and 2) jobs during construction period, payable on all major residential schemes and office and/or retail 1000sqm GIA . You can download the SPD and see more information on justification and where and how the money is spent using the link below. As far as I am aware this is quite successful - our Economic Development & Strategic Partnership team are responsible for coordinating the spend and managing the resources.