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Re: the use of S106 monies

Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

the use of S106 monies

Please can any authorities out there advise on cases where section 106 monies have been utilised for elements such as project management and monitoring and areas such as fees and feasibility studies. Any examples will be gratefully received. Many thanks Asmita Kathrani Lichfield District Council Asmita.Kathrani@ 01543 308149
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: the use of S106 monies

It is worth looking at the other s106 strands on the discussion forum - if you go through you will find others that refer to charging for monitoring e.g. Bracknell Forest and Colchester. I hope this helps.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: the use of S106 monies

We have just finished consulting on a draft SPD on travel plans where we are proposing to use S106 to charge for monitoring. This is certainly not new, as I'm aware that Leeds, Surrey and Hampshire have put forward similar proposals (and it is supported in the CLG's 2009 good practice guide on travel plans). The response to our draft SPD was that - surprisingly - no one objecte to this and it was supported by people like the Highways Agency and the Passenger Transport Authority. We are hoping to adopt the final SPD later this year. In case anyone is interested I have attached a copy of our draft SPD, the key section on Monitoring is in Chapter 7. I hope this helps Asmita and others out there. Dave Winder Spatial Planning Manager South Tyneside Council