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Re: CIL Process Management - Using IDOX Uniform CIL Module

Paul Smithson, Addaswyd 11 Years yn ôl.

CIL Process Management - Using IDOX Uniform CIL Module

New Member Post: 1 Dyddiad Ymuno: 12/08/2013 Bostiadau diweddar
Does anyone have any experience of setting up or using the Uniform CIL module? If so we would be very pleased to hear from you!
Former Member, Addaswyd 11 Years yn ôl.

Re: CIL Process Management - Using IDOX Uniform CIL Module

We are looking into using IDOX too as one of the possible systems for administering the CIL, as we already use IDOX for other functions. IDOX told us that lots of authorities are already signed up to their CIL package but I would like to hear of anyone's experience with them.