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Draft Charging Shedule - modification procedure?

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Draft Charging Shedule - modification procedure?

Just looking for some tips from those who proposed modifications to a Draft Charging Schedule after formal consultation (under Reg 16). Am I correct in interpreting Reg 14 to mean that a further period of consultation on proposed modifications is not required? Is it just the case of preparing a Statement of Modifications (see Reg 19 (d)) and submitting this with all the other reps and evidence? Would be grateful for some shared experience. I realise it's probably a good idea to consult on modifications but it would be good to know other views.

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Draft Charging Shedule - modification procedure?

Hi - you need to look at Reg 19 (4) which was introduced in one of the CIL mods (2011?)  it says when you modifty the schedule after its has been published  you must (a) send a copy to each of the consultation bodies (from r15) inviting them to make reps and (b) publish statement of mods.   Them 19 (5) says you must do the above (notify bodies and invite them to make reps) BEFORE submiting to examiner. 

The amount of time you need to give is not specified but does need to be reasonable... I would suggest to also send a copy to (at least) all people who had a duly made rep at Draft Stage and offer them to comment (to be forwarded to examiner) so everyone should be working from the same (revised) draft at exam. 

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Draft Charging Shedule - modification procedure?

Thanks very much.
Although reg 19 (5) doesn't indicate you need to invite people to make reps on mods. It just refers to 19 (4) which asks you to send a copy of the mods to those who were invited to make reps under reg 15 and publish the mods on the website. No mention of a requirement to actually consult.

I'm looking at Planning Jungle's consolidated version of the CIL regs by the way (dated Feb 2014).