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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Heddiw

Prior approval big problem

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Prior approval big problem

---------------------- Hello Can anyone help me with some advice, we have got ourselves into a real probelm! I wanted to build a 4 x 4 extension next to my kitchen to create a dining room and applied for planning permission I was told this would be refused (although neighbours had no issues it was too long at 4metres) so I withdrew the application. The officer then said why dont i wait a few weeks and apply under the prior approval/permitted development scheme. so I sent off the application (along with plans) and the builders who had already been waiting for a few weeks started on the kitchen and getting walls etc ready, the builder then decided to prepare the footings and filled them up with concrete as we knew there would be no objections from the neighbours, however after a couple of days the council officers came round and said they would not accept it as permitted development and would refuse the application. The neighbours have both sent the council letters of support for the project and I was told that if i hadnt began it would have been accepted. I now have foundations for a 4 x 4 extension and dont know what to do? I wasn't trying to do anything illegal, didnt want to loose my builder and jus wanted to get on with the project, we are now in a really absurd situation, five kids, no kitchen is there any advice?
Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Re: Prior approval big problem

Re-apply for planning permission (you may be eligible for a 'free go' depending on when the original application was submitted) & if it is refused, appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. Enclose the letters of support from the neighbour with the application/appeal. It's no guarantee of success but it's your best shot. I strongly advise against building the extension without permission as there is a risk that you'll have to pull it down.