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Re: linking SCS and CS consultations in one document

Former Member, Addaswyd 15 Years yn ôl.

linking SCS and CS consultations in one document

Has anyone ever thought of undertaking a joint consultation on the SCS and CS using only one document? We are thinking of doing that and on the face of it there could be advantages and disadvantages . We have asked our GO and they consider ( very informally ) that there is no reason legally ( ie in terms of the new regs) that we can`t do it. Just to make it clear we are at what was Reg 26 stage which , if we read it right, is now officially defunct. Advice/comment would be welcome Thanks Dave Cookson
Stephanie Kruse, Addaswyd 15 Years yn ôl.

Re: linking SCS and CS consultations in one document

New Member Post: 1 Dyddiad Ymuno: 24/05/2011 Bostiadau diweddar
This response isn't going to be very helpful I know but we were going to do this at the time of the SCS refresh. Unfortunately we needed to get the new SCS out quite quickly (in time for CPA!) so couldn't fit in with the CS timetable. It makes sense in terms of priorities, efficiency and consultation 'overload'. People will hopefully get a better understanding how the whole SCS, LDF and Performance Framework work together. Good luck
Former Member, Addaswyd 15 Years yn ôl.

Re: linking SCS and CS consultations in one document

In addition to the procedural synchronisation required, you may also wish to consider whether the burden of the soundness tests will constrain the creative and visioning elements of the SCS. You may also struggle to produce a concise document bearing in mind that the SCS will contain much which is non-spatial. The SCS process is quicker and less rigorous and some LSP partners may become impatient with issues such as the consideration of options, the need for robust evidence and the need for Policy fit. In our case, SCS preparation has follwed on from the Core Strategy and drawn heavily from it. For soundness purposes, the Core Strategy had regard to an earlier Community Strategy
Former Member, Addaswyd 15 Years yn ôl.

Re: linking SCS and CS consultations in one document

Why not try something less formal. In Liverpool we did a large joint consulation between planning, LSP, transport, neighbourhood management services etc, to investigate the sort of issues and possible solutions and opportunities we could all pursue. We were all at different stages in our work and wanted to use the exercise to understand not just how the "community" felt but also what we were all doing across the City. As a result we have moved on to draw up a revised SCS, fine tune our Core Strategy PO document and it also fed into a now approved LAA. I think we all felt it was better to put our energies into the consulation work rather than struggle to create a hybrid document. The evidential explanation demands on the Core Strategy are just too great when comapred to the SCS for example.
Former Member, Addaswyd 15 Years yn ôl.

Re: linking SCS and CS consultations in one document

just to update you on this , we DID produce a joint SCS/CS consultation doc late last year. It was, I have to say quite a difficult exercise not least because we had very tight deadlines and the end product was very rushed and not very well presented . Im not sure that the public found it any great advantage and we did get a number of semi-critical responses. Also by far the largest amount of reps were to the "planning" bits. The SCS bits had very little response. I think it may be a good exercise IF given enough time and the ability to put together a very well crafted doc. Of course we have been told that we have to "disentangle" the two strategies again for the final stages!
Former Member, Addaswyd 15 Years yn ôl.

Re: linking SCS and CS consultations in one document

This may be a bit late for you now but at Waveney (in Suffolk) we successfully undertook joint consultation through one document at the early issues and options stage for the Core Strategy/SCS back in October 2005. It was fortunate that the timescales for both documents were aligned. We undertook joint analysis of the response and then focused on those issues relevant to the Core Strategy, with the other issues being considered through the SCS. Our document format focused on the key issues and then suggested possible solutions which included a wide range beyond the remit of planning policy. All the documents are on the website for a quick link. Our Core Strategy was adopted in January 2009 and we had a very positive inspectors report. Good luck.