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Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Wythnos yma

Determining the need for Community Facilities

Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Determining the need for Community Facilities

I am currently compiling an evidence base paper that is looking to justify the provision of community facilties as part of a large scale development (1000+ dwellings). I have been able to address the need for those facilities that are provided by the County Council i.e. schools and libraries, and am in conversation with the PCT to determine health needs but I am having difficulties finding any suitable benchmarks or justification for such facilities as public houses, places of worship, community centres, post office. These facilities are important contributors to sustainable communities but there appears to be little in the way of guidance. Does anyone know of any best practice examples/suitable thresholds to facilitate such facilities?
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Determining the need for Community Facilities

I am doing more or less the same thing at the moment. Here is my post on the PAS website: Check out the responses to that. I asked our in house sustainable communities team for advice - you will get different advice from different people. But looking at it logically, it has been the done thing to plonk a community centre on an estate. But look around and how well used are they? Are they looked after? Is that the best approach? I am going at things from a multifunctional view point. There is a white paper on schools that promotes community use of schools for example. I am doing an audit of existing community facilities to see how things are used at the moment. It might be the case that we don't do new community centres, but use the new school facilities and make better use of the existing facilities. Let me know what responses you get and how you get on...
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Determining the need for Community Facilities

Another posibility is talking to ( getting on the agenda of) your Local Strategic Partnership - it can be really beneficial to get input from all sections of the community - to create a structure/s that can act as a community centre - place of workship - have a library link - a consulting room to be used by a visiting GP, Chiropodist etc. If it is possible to get to the LSP and have them understand one anothers needs and see the synergies this canbuild a good picture of what is required, and be very powerful and supply good evidence.