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Re: Policies Map Guidance, the clear and the not so clear

Richard Overy, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Policies Map Guidance, the clear and the not so clear

New Member Postiadau: 18 Dyddiad Ymuno: 24/05/2011 Bostiadau diweddar
I posted the information below to the general discussion forum last week and thought it was also worth posting it here. Thank you to the staff at PAS for producing the Successful Plan Making - Advice for Practicioners document. After reading the section discussing the policies map some points are clear, others are not. The points which are clear: 1. The proposals map is now called a policies map (it would be useful if the NPPF didn't refer to the proposals map pg 38). 2. There is only ever one adopted policies map. 3. A policies map must accompany the submitted plan. 4. The policies map isn't a DPD. The points which are not so clear: 1. Are the saved or adopted mapped policies from previous plans to be shown on the emerging policies map? 2. The policies maps guidance says "changes should include anything that is being removed (for example a protective designation) and not only what is being added." I assume this means A4/A3 existing and proposed maps? 3. The document provides submission and examination guidance but no information regarding the draft stage. Thank you to Adam, Daniel and Michael for their responses to the original post, which can be found at
Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Re: Policies Map Guidance, the clear and the not so clear

We are in a similar position to Derbyshire Dales. The first set of Hearings took place in April, and we are doing some additional work on Objectively Assessed Housing Needs and on our SA/SEA before going back to further hearings in December. In the absence of clear guidance we took the view that the requirement for a Policies Plan only applies when the DPD is adopted, but it should include all policies in the development plan as a whole. Our Joint Core Strategy therefore has plans which show the spatial policies it is proposing, and in the submission documents we have included sets of plans which show the saved policies which will continue to apply when the JCS is adopted. At that time we would produce both an interactive map and an Adopted Policies Map which shows all continuing policies. Because we are two tier authorities we also plan to show the minerals and waste policies. A bit belt and braces, but that was our interpretation of the rules, and endorsed by our Counsel.