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How to deal with consultation petitions

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

How to deal with consultation petitions


we recently carried out a consultation on the Local Plan Preferred Options and in response to this we received some petitions.

I would like to know what guidance/legislation/regulations explains how these should be treated?

I have checked our Statement of Community Involvement but it only refers to petitions in relation to planning applications.

Should a petition be dealt with as a single response?

Do local authorities write to the lead petitioner only or do you contact  all the those who signed the petition as well?

Any advice would be gratefully received.


Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

How to deal with consultation petitions


We usually receive petitions during consultations. Usually they are reported in a report of public consultation as being received, briefly explaining what they say and how many people have signed it.

For the recent consultation we will be additing the details of petition to our consultation database (redacting personal details) and specify how many people signed it in the database.

You could contact the lead petitioner but I don't think contacting all those that signed is necessary.

I don't think there are any regulations in relation to Local Plan petitions, however your authority may have particular rules about the number of signatories triggering a debate at Council. I think Local Plan petitions are excluded from this rule at our authority because they relate to ongoing consultations.

What we also get alot of is what we call 'standard responses' where we receive duplicate reps from different respondents. These are dealt with as individual reps.