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Decisions referred to Secretary of State - PS2 returns

John Theobald, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Decisions referred to Secretary of State - PS2 returns

Enthusiast Postiadau: 61 Dyddiad Ymuno: 19/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar
I have been trying to clarify how to treat decisions referred to Secretary of State in the PS2 returns. I have looked at the PS1/2 Guidance notes supplied by the DCLG and the only text I can find relating to SoS and Decisions is "Decisions by the SoS, whether on appeals or on applications 'called in' by the SoS, should not be included on this return". So no statistical guidance re referrals to SoS for approval on listed building consent. Can anybody advise me how they treat referrals to SoS for approval on listed building consent in the PS2 returns? Many thanks, John
Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Decisions referred to Secretary of State - PS2 returns

John, I got this response back from Communities and Local Government. "You're right. SoS cases are not recorded on PS2 returns, the clock stops. There are no official stats published on SoS listed building cases that I know of. But in the recent amendment to the Appointed Persons Regs our RIA said the following in terms of Grade I and II* listed buildings - "Annually the Secretary of State currently determines around 30-50 listed building consent and listed building enforcement notice appeals." However, following the amendment to the Regs decisions relating to listed building consent and listed building enforcement notice appeals for Grade I and Grade II* listed buildings will be determined by Inspectors, though SoS reserves the power to recover jurisdiction in any particular case. The amendment applies to appeals for which notice was given after 1st October 2006." Hope that helps. John Chantler Information & Support Officer Planning Advisory Service
John Theobald, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Decisions referred to Secretary of State - PS2 returns

Enthusiast Postiadau: 61 Dyddiad Ymuno: 19/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar
John, Many thanks for the information dated 8th Jan. Regards, John