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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Ddoe

Pre Application discussions

Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Pre application discussions

Lewes District Council has charged for pre app discussions on major applications since April 2006. We combined introduction of charging with improved "one stop shop" services for potential applicants. The charging arrangements include set service standards that can be expected . We do not charge for minor or householder applications. All the details are on the planning pages of our web site at
Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Pre Application discussions

Hertsmere are looking to introduce pre-app charging from April 2007. We are still deciding on the way to achieve this but are likely to base it around the approach taken at neighbouring St Albans. I have a copy of the repot they prepared at the time if you could like to see it - contact
Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Lewes one-stop

We were fairly well settled on our pre-app offer (should be going on our website in the next week or so) and the basis for charge. Your "one-stop" offer at Lewes seems a fantastic next step. We've recognised that we could make ourselves more joined up as far as customers are concerned, and business customers in particular. Can I ask - how is it for you ? Levels of take-up, customer response etc. ? Finally, is this process "owned" by planning because it grew out of pre-app or because the bulk of the cost/risk for customers is planning related ? thanks, Rich