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Invalid Applications - Rutland County Council

Former Member, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

how many invalid planning applications do you get?

We get very large numbers of invalid applications (up to 60%) which we want to reduce as a way of reducing workloads and improves the customer experience. Has anyone got figures on the % of invalids that you get? We're also doing a quick and simple benchmarking study at the moment with a bit more detail behind the overall % of invalids- if you would like to take part please contact me - if not then it would still be very helpful just to know the headline figure. Many thanks Contact:
Former Member, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

invalid applications

Here in Bury for the 1st 6 months of 2007, 39% of or registered applications were invalid on receipt and subsequenty made valid. Tom Mitchell
Former Member, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

Invalid Applications - Rutland County Council

Hi Alasdair, We also get a lot, mostly its just carelessness on the part of agents, some of whom have been submitting applications to us for many years. We are finding that most simply rush through the application form without reading the guidance notes. Our yearly average is 59% VALID (i.e 41% INVALID). I would be happy to assist you with any further information that you may require. Kind regards James Frieland
Former Member, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

Number of invalids

Camden also runs at around 60% invalids (65% recently with new D&A requirement). We do take a strong line on the information we require and the scale at which we need plans etc prior to accepting an application but we have a high number of listed buildings and most of the Borough is in a Conservation Area. When reviewed both Agents and our residents both agreed that they preferred to provide the information upfront rather than throughout the processing of the application. We have our requirements on the website and sent out with application packs. However common reasons for invalidity are: Not sending required information Not providing enough detail on plans Not providing plans at required scale Agents completing Certificate A and then there are the host of issues with online applications - but that's another story. We are hoping that the validation checklist will help reduce the number of invalid applications.