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Neighbouring Authorities working together on Core Strategies (Transport)

Former Member, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

Neighbouring Authorities working together on Core Strategies (Transport)

I would be interested to hear from planners who have experience of working with neighbouring authorities in forming transport polices or transport options within Core Strategies, particularly districts or boroughs operating within a county. Getting the 'bigger picture' or strategical overview of transport requires cross boundary working and it seems there is little 'best practice' out there to draw on. Can anyone help?
Jason Roberts, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

Neighbouring Authorities working together on Core Strategies (Transport)

New Member Post: 1 Dyddiad Ymuno: 22/05/2011 Bostiadau diweddar
Merseyside's Local Transport Plan document may be of use to you. It's a bit weighty but can be viewed at -
Former Member, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

Neighbouring Authorities working together on Core Strategies (Transport)

A group pf authorities in North Northamptonshire have a joint planning unit and they have been working on a joint core strategy. I assume this will have covered the issue of transportation - at least at the 'infrastructure' level. see attached link to their home page.
Former Member, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

Neighbouring Authorities working together on Core Strategies (Transport)

In Lincoln we have a joint working arrangement with the four authorities in the sub-region - City of Lincoln Council, Lincolnshire County Council, North Kesteven District Council and West Lindsey istrict Council. This is managed by a joint Member Advisory Committe. This has operated for a number of years and has enabaled joint working on the Structure Plan Review, Local Plans and LDFs and a sub-Regional Transport Study