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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Ddoe

Suggested Lines of Enquiry

Former Member, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

electonic stat reg

Is there anything in statute that states that stat regs have to be available in paper form? most of us now have our planning documents electronically and we make this available in paper and e-form at reception. is there any reason we shouldn't cease the paper copies? has any one done this and if so do you have facilities to print plans if required and do you then charge for this? any help on this much appreciated!
Former Member, Addaswyd 16 Years yn ôl.

Suggested Lines of Enquiry

You are allowed under the Electronic Communications Act 2000 to substitute electronic for paper on legal documents, with several clauses about how. (this is derived from EU directives) You should also take a look at the Civil Evidence Act 1995 (S8 & S9 being the key parts) There is case law supporting contracting in England & Wales via e-mail, but I found no case law (last time I looked) on the rest of the affected areas, and the one case covered purely the ability to contract, there was no dispute over the contents, etc. I would suggest investigating a solution along the lines of implement electronic documents per the BIP008:2004 standard, and get the corporate risk manager and council solictor to sign off on the risks the grey areas pose. If you have a decent IT department, they should be up together with the relevant technical issues required to support legal elctonic documents, and be able to advise on the relevant risks for challenging electronic evidence currently and in the foreseeable future. The one area I would worry about is accessibility.