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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Heddiw

The Whole Concept of Planning Control - De-regulate completely

Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

The Whole Concept of Planning Control - De-regulate completely

Why have planning control at all? As I advance in years I find there is a relentless tide of regulations and legions of bureaucrats employed to enforce them, all paid for out of the taxpayers pocket, individual and businesses. When one asks a common sense question which shows a paradox ,or the regulations are clearly absurd in a particular case, the typical reply from the officers is 'sorry those are the regulations'. A few years later the legislators, pried away from their duckhouses, pass different regulations thought up by the latest product of our most revered educational insititutions, also Oxbridge men, of course. These are then handed down and the conscientious officers wring their hands, did that start before the first of April, can't we graft on a wind turbine or two, we've got be to be seen to be green you know! Anyway I could go on, but to get the point, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, whose norms should apply? which is the most interesting street scene in the UK? To a(wo)man the answer will not be anything planners legislated for, sorry to say. Your grand plans of today will no doubt become the eyesores of tomorrow. I can remember planners excitedly visiting Sheffield's flats and enthusing about them, now no-one puts their hand up to that. What sort of planners could believe that was the way forward, today. For me with toilets down the yard, and a metal bath hung up behind the cellar door, such housing was at first sight a big improvement, but no football and cricket in the street, old people on curfew. Think on planners, what will your legacy be for the next generation? And to the council employee in Cardiff, no you do not have a god given right to the money in my pocket , my client's pocket, or that of my business. The arrogance of such an assumption is unbelievable to those who have spent their life earning a crust in the private sector. I hope you gather the above is not meant to be serious, but thought provoking to disturb the the mindset (we used to call that attitude, perhaps fixed, so there is some economy of words in its usage), as without rules there would be anarchy, and we would have the law of the urban jungle, and one might see monstrous carbuncles popping up all over one's kingdom. One couldn't have that, could one? PJ & associates
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: The Whole Concept of Planning Control - De-regulate completely

If you are happy for your next door neighbour to open a maggot farm, abolish planning. If you prefer sprawl to countryside, get rid of planning. If you want town centres to die replaced by malls and retail parks get rid of planning. If you want to have to drive anywhere to do anything get rid of planning. If you want historic buildings, nature conservation sites, playing fields, greenspaces, landscapes to be wrecked at will, get rid of planning. If you want uncontrolled development to choke the roads, get rid of planning. Me, I'd rather keep it, the odd stupid rule notwithstanding.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: The Whole Concept of Planning Control - De-regulate completely

All good points, an anarchistic free for all would be dire. Cheers, PJ