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Re: Sustainability Checklists

Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Sustainability Checklists

In North East England we are looking for best practice examples of sustainability checklists for developments. Our regional sustainability checklist, based upon the BRE/SEEDA model has not been developed beyond a spreadsheet, whilst in other regions the awareness and use of regional models is patchy. I would be interested to hear from local authorities that successfully use a checklist, which helps deliver improvements in the sustainability of developments. I would be keen to know how you achieved buy in from planners and developers, and how you managed to incorporate the checklist into policy to give it the teeth to be effective.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Sustainability Checklists

Hi Steven - I'm afraid I'm not offering much help only to join the call for good examples. I've been searching for this for a while. We're currently out to consultation on a Climate Change SPD which includes a checklist but we've yet to have it formally adopted. We're also working on a Local List and including it as part of this. Lisa
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Sustainability Checklists

Hi Steven- I always understood that London's checklist was promoted as good practice- there was a publication a few years back but it seems to be an interactive website now . Otherwise during my former experience at a local district, I know planners were encouraged to use the SE checklist It might be worth contacting specific authorities within these regions to ask about implementation? Emily