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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Ddoe

Electronic Planning Application Case Files

Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Electronic Planning Application Case Files

Our planning application case files are now "electronic" with only a paper set of approved drawings retained for reference after a decision is made. We follow PARSOL guidance and web display after the stage of decsion is only plans, forms, officer report and the decision notice, with all representations remaining "sensitive" . This system appears to be causing difficulties at appeal stage where our appeals officer can be faced with requests for instant production of paper copies of various documents and access to our document management system may not be available depending on the appeal venue. A recent CLG/PINS update session for local authorities indicated the inspectorate still had some way to go on the electronic road (except for the new housholder appeal facility) and continue to request paper documents.Printing off a paper file if an appeal is lodged would seem to be a retrograde step. Any examples of good practice would be appreciated.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Electronic Planning Application Case Files

Hi John/ Mark At Dudley we have an automated application process from submission to web publication. We also keep all documents on the web until appeal period is over. We are now running a paperless office for many processes . As a result we have installed dual screens for all staff and have a installed a large screen (50 inch) in our meeting area so large plans can easily be viewed. We have included our staff in all planning transformation meetings so the transition has been ok. We are currently investigating and testing a few mobile working options. If you would like any further details please feel free to email me directly
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Electronic Planning Application Case Files

Mark All our technicians have 2 x 19inch monitors. Admin staff and officers have a conbination of 17 -19 inch monitors. Our large screen is a LG 50PQ30 we found the picture quality was better than a projector or smartboard.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Electronic Planning Application Case Files

Dear all: I was on the Parsol panel for DC and Chair of the BC panel. The Inspectorate's need for access after the event has complicated matters, but can be resolved easily. Merely delay the switching off of the non-essential items for, say, 6 months. This is in conformity with the Information Commissioners guidance which states "a reasonable period". At Stroud every planner and administrator has dual screens, minimum 19", but also get all plans. We use two 42" HDMI TVs for meetings, and dual projectors for committees . For home working we use Citrix which amazingly adjusts itself for my quad screens... so I’m better off at home, surprise surprise. We are quite robust with PINS, but we do occasionally have to provide drawings for inquiries. Not a big deal considering the number of trees we have to slaughter for proofs of evidence. Our last nemisis are the parishes, we have 50 who are not particularly IT proficient. Phill
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Electronic Planning Application Case Files

John. From the other side of the fence it is really appreciated when all of the information relating to an application is accessible via the Council's website, at least until the appeal period had expired. As an idependent planning consultant I am often asked to give advice either following a refusal or about the imposition of conditions. It's incredibly beneficial for me to be able to view the whole file electronically before I advise whether an appeal is likely to be successful, or whether a resubmission is a better way forward. Mike Hyde
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Electronic Planning Application Case Files

We have recently deployed IDOX document management system linked to our existing UNI-Form DC module. We are about to go-live with IDOX new version of Public Access (as used by many Scottish authorities and Sunderland City). We are also in the next 2 months transferring front line planning services into our Customer Service Centre (CSC). We have been grappling with the PARSOL guidance, Information Commissioner advice, together with our own Legal view (aroound reasonable period!) As our Planning Officers are not located in the same building as the CSC, we are keen to make sure all documents are added on-line (apart from confidential matters) and made available via Public Access. This in our view will help customers, residents groups etc in being able to view documents via the web or at the CSC without have to access the manual case file (which we gradually phase out). The Residents Groups we have been working with are happy that we plan to put representations on line (redacted where needed). I would be interested in hearing about approaches around the culture change. We are about to purchase large screens/dual screens. We have 2 x 27" in our CSC and Officers have tested a number of variations. The consensus seems to be either a) 1 Single 27" Screen (with 2 windows arranged appropriately e.g IDOX and UNIFORM windows) favoured by Adminstrative staff and EHO's. b) Dual Screens 19" and for Landscape Architects 22" Widescreens. We have to procure through our ICT partners (not getting a good deal so far!) We have flexible working which is delivered via Citrix and a dongle with a password that changes weekly via text. This is really aimed at occasional home use, although we have IDOX being rolled out corporately we expect this to increase. At the same of all this, we are reducing our planning workforce as part of the investment in the CSC and new technologies. We are bringing together adminstraive/business support functions from DC, BC, Trees into a centralised team, with the CSC providing the face to face, telephone, email front line service for planning. Paul Boucher Head of Customer & Support Services, E&P Cambridge City Council
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Electronic Planning Application Case Files

as an update. The IDOX file is the "real" file. DC/DM units must be careful of NOT having two official files. The folders we have on our desks are merely a binder for keeping our drawings and admin papers together. The Part II register is the website. We donot have paper copies of decision notices any more, and have scanned all our files back to 1948ish. Whilst only files from 2006 are available on the web, our entire planning history is available at the customer services desk, and individual files can be emailed on request at no cost. The decision notices from 1948 to 2006 are all scanned to PDF and are available to download at no cost from the website. The plotting sheets are also on the web (conected to GIS) so the public can find any decision notice they want. We made the decision to make all planning data available following rulings on the environmental regs meant that land charge searches could make requests without making a search. To see this in action go to and follow the link to "Look and print planning decision notices from 1947 to 2005" if you use postcode gl5 4xb you will get the Council Offices. see how you get on... all done on a shoe-string Phill
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Electronic Planning Application Case Files

Phil What has been your stance on redacting the signatures for backscanned DN's (ie. blanking out the Cheif Planning Officer/Director signature). We are conscious that for solitcitors they require the "official" signed copies of DN's for Land Charges purposes, so we are keen here for them to access these online and self-serve. Regards Paul Head of Customer & Support (Envrionment & Planning) -
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Electronic Planning Application Case Files

Paul: We treat "public signatures" as fair game. If an individual is signing on behalf of an organisation or as part of a legal document which MUST be published, we take the view, as confirmed by our data protection officer that the identity must be evident. Regarding signatures of staff and consultees (EA-EH-etc) we do not redact them. The data protection act protects personal data, and these are clearly not personal documents. I have two signatures, one for work and one for my cheque book... in reality, what is to stop someone taking down one of my site notices and scanning my signature... M staff are aware of this policy, and have no problem. Copies of all these documents are subject to FOI as well, and redaction would be frowned upon... Note of caution, get your FOI/Data Protection officer to agree this... it helps when the complaints come through... and there will be complaints.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Electronic Planning Application Case Files

Working electronically creates a headache for consultees e.g. Parish Councils. Preparing for review meetings can take hours. I have therefore developed that works with several primary council's Public Access systems and allows groups to store and create their own lists of applications and download all the files. Meeting preparation comes down from 4 hours to 15 minutes. This is similar to the system I developed as a member of Baildon Parish Council review committee. Without a system such as this, in the absence of paper, parish councils could really struggle.