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Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Ddoe

PPS4 Sequential Approach to sIte selection

Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

PPS4 Sequential Approach to sIte selection

When advising on applications, I always make sure that the sequential approach is assessed for the sake of consistency. Sometimes though, I can't help but thinking that this is terribly onerous for a very small retail application and that they are basically just having to jump through hoops, rather than having to address a particular problem. An example being a proposal for a 180 sq m worth of retail located in an area with a mix of resi and commercial uses about 500m from a bustling local centre with a very low vacancy rate and little prospect of finding an available, suitable or viable unit. So should common sense be applied or is it better to ensure that the sequential test is always considered for the sake of consistency?
Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Re: PPS4 Sequential Approach to sIte selection

A personal view of course, but the latter approach is preferable, namely the sequential test should be applied for consistency. I think the justification for this is the thin-end of the wedge argument - setting a precedent that the sequential test need not apply to small units may well open the flood gates for similar applications. I would also argue that its not all about size in terms of sq.m. For example, plenty of take-aways, whilst small in size, generate considerable footfall of a type that is particularly suited to a town centre. Retail units within a centre also generate a critical mass that is mutually beneficial to neighbouring units and the centre as a whole, which would be lost if they were allowed to develop in isolated sites.