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Re: Planning Performance Agreements & PFI waste plants

Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Planning Performance Agreements & PFI waste plants

My authority (Norfolk County Council) is considering entering into a PPA with the winning bidder (not yet known) for our large-scale PFI energy-from-waste plant. The timescale would be quite constrained compared to normal resi/mixed-use PPAs, as a planning application would be expected in spring next year (the winning bidder won't be confirmed until November). The two shortlisted bidders are therefore already undertaking some detailed pre-app work. There are several key reasons for considering the PPA route: 1) As a project management tool, with the applicant and NCC signing up to an agreed (tight) timetable; 2) Formalised pre-app involvment for members and the public, to minimise the risk of post-app delays; and 3) The opportunity to possibly have our pre-app costs refunded by the applicant. As we haven't done a PPA before, does anyone have any PPA experiences, especially in connection with pieces of infrastructure? One question in particular is who (on the councillor side) should agree the terms of the detailed PPA. The Chairman of Planning Committee would seem the obvious choice (caveated appropriately to avoid pre-determination concerns) but are there any other options? We are also considering taking a PPA 'Charter' to Cabinet in the near future. Many thanks, Adam Nicholls Norfolk County Council
Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Re: Planning Performance Agreements & PFI waste plants

Adam, A PPA would seem appropriate in principle and a good idea from the info you provide. As you are probably aware ATLAS would be able to give you advice on PPA's further to info on their website. As a former member of the ATLAS team I could give you a ring to discuss my own views if you wanted. Regards.
Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Re: Planning Performance Agreements & PFI waste plants

Kelvin, Thanks for the reply. I'm expecting a call back from Adam Halford (ATLAS) on his return from leave next week, but would be very grateful to hear your views on PPAs too - I've got a lot to learn! My number is 01603 222760. Regards, Adam
Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Re: Planning Performance Agreements & PFI waste plants

Adam, I am away myself next week so will call on return. Kelvin