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RE: Examination in Public costs?

Adam Reddish, Addaswyd 1 Year yn ôl.

Examination in Public costs?

New Member Postiadau: 10 Dyddiad Ymuno: 20/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar

We're in the process of setting budgets for the 2023-24 financial year and one of the largest financial items we need to make provision for is a likely EiP for our Core Strategy/Local Plan review which (hopefully!) will take place next year.

We were wondering what sort of costs local planning authorities have been charged by PINS for recent examinations. Naturally every EiP will be different in terms of its complexity and length, but it would be helpful nevertheless to get a handle around what costs councils are incurring when their plans are examined so we can attempt to budget accordingly. For context, when our Core Strategy was examined back in 2013, we were charged £60k in total for an EiP that sat just for a single week but where the examination was 'open' for several months. With inflation, I expect costs will have risen (substantially?) in that near ten-year period.

Any information would be most gratefully received!

Ian Nelson, Addaswyd 1 Year yn ôl.

RE: Examination in Public costs?

New Member Postiadau: 4 Dyddiad Ymuno: 21/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar

We were charged £62,700 for our Examination in 2017 (12 -13 sitting days I think) and £38,500 for a 3.5 days Examination in 2021. I think the  latter required more prepartion time by the Inspector as it was held remotely.

Adam Reddish, Addaswyd 1 Year yn ôl.

RE: Examination in Public costs?

New Member Postiadau: 10 Dyddiad Ymuno: 20/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar
RE: Examination in Public costs?
Ian Moody, Addaswyd 1 Year yn ôl.

RE: Examination in Public costs?

New Member Post: 1 Dyddiad Ymuno: 27/05/2015 Bostiadau diweddar

Our Hearing Sessions were held over 3 weeks in November 2021.  We have just received the Inspector's Final Report and the PINS costs currently stand at around £85k.

Amanda Parrott, Addaswyd 1 Year yn ôl.

RE: Examination in Public costs?

New Member Post: 1 Dyddiad Ymuno: 24/11/2022 Bostiadau diweddar
Our total bill from PINS was £93k. We had 12 days of hearings, a consultation on some additional evidence and then a consultation on mods. Hope this helps.
paul lewin, Addaswyd 1 Year yn ôl.

RE: Examination in Public costs?

New Member Postiadau: 9 Dyddiad Ymuno: 06/04/2020 Bostiadau diweddar

Ours was £155K. Full Plan review. 2 inspectors. 3 weeks of hearings. Examination March 2020-Jan 2022.