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Examples of how changes to Use Class Order have impacted high streets

Georgina Brightwell, Addaswyd 1 Year yn ôl.

Examples of how changes to Use Class Order have impacted high streets

New Member Postiadau: 3 Dyddiad Ymuno: 13/03/2023 Bostiadau diweddar

Hi all,

The LGA remain concerned that changes to the Use Class Order (consolidation of previous uses (Classes A1/2/3, B1, D1(a-b) and ‘indoor sport’ from D2(e)) into new Use Class E – Commercial Business and Service), as well as the introduction of conversions from Use Class E to C3 (Dwellinghousesmay impact a local authority’s ability to plan for their high streets and town centres now and into the future.

The changes are still relatively new, but if there are any relevant examples from your local authority where a scheme, permitted by the changes in Use Class Order or a conversion from E to C3 has impacted a town centre/high street we would be grateful if you could share your experience. 

Thanks, Georgina