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RE: CIL self build evidence - title deeds in company name?

carmel huntley, Addaswyd 5 Mis yn ôl.

CIL self build evidence - title deeds in company name?

New Member Postiadau: 16 Dyddiad Ymuno: 21/05/2020 Bostiadau diweddar


Has anyone else had this please?  Is it ok if the title deeds submitted for 7part2 evidence are in a company name?

Legal advice has said that this doesn't prove ownership for the individual but would be acceptable if the liable party was the company. 

He submitted a self-build relief claim (as an individual) which was granted and I am now chasing part 2 evidence.  His agent called and asked this question about the title deeds and says he can provide all other evidence to prove he is living in the property.  He says the LP is the owner of the company and the house is just registered under the company name.

Any views would be useful please as I'm expecting this in soon.

Thanks, Carmel

Debbie Wilson, Addaswyd 5 Mis yn ôl.

RE: CIL self build evidence - title deeds in company name?

Enthusiast Postiadau: 28 Dyddiad Ymuno: 30/01/2020 Bostiadau diweddar

Morning Carmel,

We wouldn't accept the Land Regsitry document if it was in a company name becuase this differs to the liable party details.

We also wouldn't accept self build relief from a company becuase the company is not an individual and could then let out/accomodate members of the company thus the property not being used and owned by the same individual for 3 years from completion of build.

I would be interested to hear from other local authorities views though.


Neal Gascoine, Addaswyd 5 Mis yn ôl.

RE: CIL self build evidence - title deeds in company name?

New Member Postiadau: 9 Dyddiad Ymuno: 15/03/2017 Bostiadau diweddar

Hi Carmel,

We would and have taken the same approach as Debbie.
Self-Build relief is for the individual as their main dwelling and that individual needs to meet the requirements set out in the regulations

carmel huntley, Addaswyd 5 Mis yn ôl.

RE: CIL self build evidence - title deeds in company name?

New Member Postiadau: 16 Dyddiad Ymuno: 21/05/2020 Bostiadau diweddar

Thanks for your help, I also found some Christopher Cant wording which backs up this approach :  )