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Lets update neighbourhoodplanner.org.uk

Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

Lets update neighbourhoodplanner.org.uk

You may be aware of neighbourhoodplanner.org.uk, a website that publishes the location and other details about neighbourhood planning on a map that can be updated by anyone who cares to register on the site.

The site was created by open data specialists Boilerhouse Media from information collected from council websites by the Department for Communities. The site has been designed and built, and is maintained, from Boilerhouse’s own resources. Advertising on the site is provided gratis to key bodies supporting neighbourhood planning.

We have recently received a new batch of data that includes location of NPAs but little else. Experience shows that what neighbourhood planners find most useful from the map is information about others in their local area, so that they can make contact and exchange notes.

We are therefore encouraging enthusiasts to find ‘their’ neighbourhood plan on the map, click on the pin and update the data we hold. There is a simple login process we require that enables us to manage any issues arising from updates.

The white pins represent NPAs where we have very little information. However, information on other NPAs on the map may be out of date too, so we hope people will check and update these areas as well.

I would be very grateful if you circluate this information through your networks. If you have any questions about neighbourhoodplanner.co.uk please contact me or Boilerhouse via the website.

Thank you!

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