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Pre-applications made public on the LA website

John Theobald, modifié il y a 8 années.

Pre-applications made public on the LA website

Enthusiast Publications: 61 Date d'inscription: 19/10/11 Publications Récentes

We are looking at the possibility of putting all our pre-applications into the public arena on the LA web. The main reason would be for aiding electronic consultation for participants in the pre-app process, e.g. parishes, ward members, external bodies, etc etc.  Do any of the authories on this forum already publish their pre-applictions? If so, do you publish all the documents?  I would be very grateful for any good or bad experiences from publishing all your received pre-apps. Many thank, John


Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Pre-applications made public on the LA website

In Poole we publish all Pre App documents  once an application has been registered for the site .

The content is always checked for the usual email address, phone and signatures as well as commercial sensitivity etc but otherwise published in full.

This has been the position for about the last year or so.






Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Pre-applications made public on the LA website

 When we wrote the 10 Commitments to effective pre-application was debated quite extensively in the group. The presumption in the act is that such information should only be openly accessible unless there is a compelling  why it should remain confidential. But at the bottom line it is the councils discretion. Most LPAs seem to take the view that they will keep all pre-apps discussions private in order to encourage developers to be more forthcoming but ideally, the council should make a decision case by case, and make a decision to keep it confidential only when there is a reason of commercial confidentiality .    Bristol are one one of the LPAs  that do publish pre-apps discussions, and Bryan Cadman may see this post and provide you with some more detail, John.


John Theobald, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Pre-applications made public on the LA website

Enthusiast Publications: 61 Date d'inscription: 19/10/11 Publications Récentes

Thank you both for the useful feedback. I have found the '10 commitments..' document and will have a look.

Regards, John