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Using CIL neighbourhood portion as an endowment

Iain Armstrong, modifié il y a 7 années.

Using CIL neighbourhood portion as an endowment

New Member Publications: 7 Date d'inscription: 09/08/16 Publications Récentes


My authority has been giving consideration to "vesting" the 15% neighbourhood portion perhaps with the Community Foundation (in locations without a parish council and neighbourhood plan) as an endowment fund to help grow it and as an option to increase its potential impact. We are aware of the 5 year period in which this neighbourhood portion, if not spent, would need to go back into the "central pot".

We have contacted CLG to see if this would be within the regulations but their response has been pretty non-committal and just refers us back to the Planning Practice Guidance.

It would be good to hear from anybody who has adopted a similar approach.

Many thanks
