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RE: Consultation software

Former Member, modifié il y a 7 années.

Consultation software

Hi. We're looking for software to help manage consultation/engagement for our new Local Plan. Would like something that can manage consultees, publish documents, collect and manage responses etc.   Found CitizenSpace (Delib) and OpusConsult/OpusMap (JDI Solutions). We've previously used (and left) Objective.  Can anyone recommend any packages/providers?


thanks in advance

Dan Knowles, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Consultation software

New Member Publications: 3 Date d'inscription: 25/07/13 Publications Récentes

Hi Helen

We use Inovem (www.inovem.com) which does everything you are looking for. We've been very happy with it.


Ian McDonald, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Consultation software

Enthusiast Publications: 70 Date d'inscription: 15/05/12 Publications Récentes

We used to have Limehouse/Objective in the past and now we are using Inovem.  Like Dan, we are very happy with Inovem - it is easy to use and manage.  See our past consultations https://consultplanningpolicy.gedling.gov.uk/consult.ti/system/listConsultations?type=C.  We use Inovem for different types of consultations - running public consultation on various planning policy documents, sharing documents with external people in a private group (this is not shown public in Inovem) and inputting questionnaire responses from residents who attended the workshop on housing site options (this is not shown in public in Inovem - we input the results in Inovem and they do the data report for us - which saves us from counting!).  The planning policy consultation documents can be done in different ways - e.g. PDF document download and fill out questionnaire (online or offline) or submit comments within the online consultation document.  In the past people didn't find Limehouse/Objective easy to submit comments online and we had fewer complaints since we had Inovem.  Happy to answer any queries you have.

Dawn Heppell, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Consultation software

New Member Envoyer: 1 Date d'inscription: 19/10/11 Publications Récentes

Hi. Can I resurrect this query in case anyone else can share their experience with consultation software? We're looking for an easy to use and robust system for our next stage of consultation as we publish a Local Plan and process responses. We have an in-house system and are looking for something more advanced and more robust to deal with a large number of responses and give us the scope to, for example, ask follow on questions depending on the answers given.

I note the positive comments on Inovem. Are there any other packages we should consider?