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Former Member, modifié il y a 17 années.

Unauthorised Advertisements

Are there any Authorities who use "cancelled advertisement" type large stickers to paste over unauthorised adverts in their area? It would be great to know if they do and where they can be purchased. I have attached a file showing the extreme of what I mean but would need something smaller to be able to post myself.
Former Member, modifié il y a 17 années.

Unauthorised advertisements

Yes, Bolsover District Council have used cancelled stickers to good effect in the past. We have them printed in house.
Former Member, modifié il y a 17 années.

Unauthorised Advertisements

Hi, I was under the impression that we could not use these stickers because we may damage the sign which is not our property?
Former Member, modifié il y a 17 années.

Unauthorised Advertisements

We use these stickers although not to the scale shown on your photograph. We print them ourselves on labels and just stick them to the posters. They have worked to our advantage in the past rather than just removing the posters and they certainly get up the noses of the event organisers when they have a low turn out at the event ot they receive numerous phone calls asking why the event has been cancelled! We would not use them all the time but if your Borough has been blitzed with flyposting for an event it can be a good tool to leave them all up but cancel the event. We will send you a copy of one of our stickers.
Former Member, modifié il y a 17 années.


I have used 'Cancelled' stickers printed in house from A4 size to the size of a mobile trailer 'A' board (the cancelled 'sticker' printed in four sections and with the use of spray-on carpet clue from B&Q stuck onto the 'mobile advert' 'A' board trailer) As long as you 'obliterate' the poster and do not damage the hording, it is legal - there is no capitation on size or more correctly no legal challenge as far as I know on the size of a poster ! So I have 'obscured & Cancelled' posters up to 3 X 3 metres, with the cancelled wording being very bold and prominent and other wording:-'the by the council under power ..... ' being in extremely small wording underneath the main text. It seems to work quite well, however as for 'fly posting' a £80 'on the spot' fine would also be a good way to 'concentrate the mind of the offender.