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Advertising Trailers On 'Adopted' Highways

Former Member, modifié il y a 16 années.

Advertisement Trailers on the Highway

A number of complaints have been received regarding the indiscriminate parking of motor vehicles and trailers, which have been specially adapted to be used for the purposes of advertising. Vehicles and trailers have been fitted with 'A' boards on which the advertisements have been placed. The vehicles and trailers are being parked at various locations on the public highway and in lay-bys and are frequently moved in some cases only being at one location for a few hours. Where these locations are near to residential properties local residents have made complaints. Class 'B' of Schedule 1 of the 2007 regulations exempts advertisements which are displayed on or in a vehicle normally employed as a moving vehicle but the exemption excludes vehicles which are principally used for the display of advertisements. The annex to Circular 03/2007 gives further guidance in respect of the exemption. In respect of vehicles used principally for the display of adverts it is apparent that it is referring to stationary vehicles or trailers which have been left in fields or lay-bys and used for advertising purposes; in such cases it is likely that there has been little movement over prolonged periods. As my Authority is to consider its powers in respect of the indiscriminate parking of vehicles adapted and used for advertising I would be interested in any authorities which have either considered granting advertisement consent for such vehicles or pursued any enforcement action.
Former Member, modifié il y a 16 années.

Adverts on the highway

Hi Anthony, PAS has produced a case study - Blots on the Landscape' on this - see it on our website under success stories at: It will hopefully give you an insight into how some authorities have successfully dealt with these issues.
Former Member, modifié il y a 16 années.

Advertising Trailers On 'Adopted' Highways

Anthony, The attached link for a County Council may be useful and we have a fuller version of our own advice if you would like to contact us: Regards, Tony