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Is a building an agricultural building?

Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Is a building an agricultural building?

I am wondering if anyone can help me.  Can anyone refer me to any recent case law or appeals (post NPPF) regarding whether a building is an agricultural building or not.  I have an application for a new building on a small holding (2ha) for use for sanitary facilities, farm office, shelter from the weather etc.  It measures 8mx5m.  Our policies support small scale buildings for agriculture, but this is a facility for the person who "works" on the site and so arguably not an agricultural building.  A variety of livestock is kept at the site.  I am aware of lots of case law regarding caravans to provide similar facilities for farm workers.  I am trying to establish whether "reasonably necessary" is the test of whether such a building can be considered to be an agricultural building and whether the specific size of the holding and the activities undertaken are a determining factor. 

Any help gratefully received.

Many thanks.


Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Is a building an agricultural building?

Hi Sally,

I can't point you to any specific recent case law. I assume that you have already searched the internet and the JPL index.

I think that you don't need to decide whether it is an agricultural building first. If you apply the "reasonably necessary" test and the building meets it, then surely, it is an agricultural building. I am sure others will correct me if necessary.