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Commissioning Ready

Mike Davies, modifié il y a 10 années.

Commissioning Ready

New Member Publications: 4 Date d'inscription: 04/02/14 Publications Récentes

We are in the process of starting out on a commissioning review of the planning service. The review will be a top to bottom review and will leave no stone unturned so I am lead to believe. The idea is to fundamentally redesign the service with efficiency in mind and then deciding what add ons we want by assigning value to them. All well and good so far, but one of my major concerns is that as a Local Authority we are going to do this with our hands tied behind our back if we still have to rely on centralised services such as IT, HR, Procurement etc; Clearly if your going to strip the service down to its basic elements then build it back up then you need to look at the supply chain and with this in mind i was wonder if anyone had gone through or was going through a similiar exercise and if so how they had dealt with these issues.