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Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Hier

Re: Flexible Land Use Allocations

Former Member, modifié il y a 14 années.

Flexible Land Use Allocations

We are just starting to prepare a ‘Preferred Options’ version of our Land Allocations DPD and are proposing sites for specific types of development. Most landowners are promoting their sites for residential use however; some are looking to keep their options open and are looking for ‘flexible allocations’. This is to say that a site is identified and allocated but rather than just identifying the land use as residential it could also be for another land use i.e. care / nursing home (a mixed use scheme is not considered an option). Our concern at the moment is that LPA’s are supposed to be providing certainty as to the type of development that is to take place and when. However, if we insist on an allocating a site for one specific use this could see: • the landowner declare the site ‘unavailable’ and submit a planning applications at a later stage. This is against the grain of the LDF / Development Management approach. • a departure from the adopted Land Allocations DPD if allocated for one specific land use (it is unlikely that the Council would refuse an application for a care / nursing home on the site if allocated as residential as there is on overwhelming need for housing for the elderly). Has anyone every come across a document which list options for development rather than just allocating a site for one specific land use? Any advice welcome. Thank you.
Former Member, modifié il y a 14 années.

Re: Flexible Land Use Allocations

Suzanne, I'm not entirely sure but I think that Sheffield's Site Allocations and City Policies DPD has flexible use areas where more than one use is considered acceptable. Harriet
Former Member, modifié il y a 14 années.

Re: Flexible Land Use Allocations

Define a group of suitable land uses (Land Use Group) plus maybe one or two caveats, e.g. maximum peak period traffic generation.
Former Member, modifié il y a 14 années.

Re: Flexible Land Use Allocations

Worth looking at the section on "Flexible Zoning" in the Conservative Green Paper (page 6). This seems to encourage what you are contemplating. My guess is that it will form part of a government proposal to revise zoning practice and the Use Classes Order (as set out in the Green Paper) in the not too distant future as it is a Tory commitment and something the Lib-Dems don't seem to have any objections to.