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Re: Climate Change Adaptation Policies

Former Member, modifié il y a 14 années.

Climate Change Adaptation Policies

I am looking for adopted policies, either strategic level in a Core Strategy or more specifically in SPDs that relate to climate change adaptation rather than climate change mitigation (i.e. adapting to the effects of climate change that are already unavoidable). I've got a few good ones from some Sustainable Design and Construction SPDs (especially Brighton & Hove, Barking, City of London) and some good ones on managed coastal retreat from Waveney's Core Strategy. I'm really struggling to find anything on the following though: - Requiring developers to use materials resistant to high temperatures - especially road surfacing - Anything on maladaptation - i.e. attempting to control things like air conditioning that would adapt a building to higher temperatures but simultaneously increase energy demand - Stringent green infrastructure requirements, such as a requirement to incorporate green roofs and living walls in new developments. Any info would be welcome! Many Thanks Rachel Coxcoon Senior Project Manager Centre for Sustainable Energy
Former Member, modifié il y a 14 années.

Re: Climate Change Adaptation Policies

Hi Rachel, I recently did a review of about 70 SPDs on sustainable design and construction or other sustainability type SPDs. Although I confess some where examined in more detail than others. I didn't find very strict requirements for adaptation. There were more recommendations and strongly urged suggestions than actual requirements. You might find the case study that I wrote as a result of the research useful: The Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) have done a green roof feasibility study that might result in interesting policy. You can find more details of this and other studies in the climate change evidence base case study: I think you'll also find the case studies on the UKCIP website helpful because they look at adaptation specifically: If you want to contact me directly I could share a spreadsheet that I created with a list of the SPDs and links to them (with some additional information as well). Good luck with your research. Helen
Former Member, modifié il y a 14 années.

Re: Climate Change Adaptation Policies

Helen. Your "Using Supplementary Planning Documents to Address Climate Change Locally" is a good starter. Is it possible, please, that you might kindly be able to make your list of SPDs and links available more widely? I'm trying to compile a similar list in Scotland. Many thanks and best wishes - Les
Former Member, modifié il y a 14 années.

Re: Climate Change Adaptation Policies

I've attached the spreadsheet I used to list the documents. Once I started to look at some authorities in more detail I created another tab with a bit more information. It was slightly piecemeal so I didn't include it here. It's difficult to get a list of adopted SPDs because they aren't examined by PINS. So this list was compiled by emailing Government Office contacts and some planning officer groups. It might not be comprehensive but I think it's a good start. Helen
Former Member, modifié il y a 14 années.

Re: Climate Change Adaptation Policies

Helen Thanks. That's great. Regards - Les