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Re: Joint Planning Unit Proposals Map

Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Joint Planning Unit Proposals Map

The Central Lincolnshire JPU (Set up in May 2010) is currently working on its Core Strategy which is timetabled to be go to public inquiry late next year. I am a little unsure of what needs to be included on the proposals map - currently there are 3 Local Plan proposal maps which are still relevant for the areas covered by the Central Lincolnshire JPU, although not all of what is shown is still relevant (built out sites, deleted policies etc). Would we need to create a completely new proposals map to replace the existing local plans (so including all local plan info such as retail, housing etc as well as the PPS12 requirements) or could we do one proposals map which has the requirements of PPS12 plus insets for any strategic allocations and just refer back to the 3 Local Plans as they will still have relevant allocations etc. Any help is much appreciated!
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Joint Planning Unit Proposals Map

Sarah, We are struggling with this question ourselves, and have been looking at what has been published by approved Core Strategies e.g. Greater Norwich and Black Country. We are not sure that the approaches they have taken will meet the requirements we have. We have 3 old style local plans (with saved policies, some of which will be retained and some replaced) all of which have slightly different policies and very differnt notations. We are currently building a GIS database of all the existing plans with fields flagging their future status, and are considering a new proposals map which shows all new policies, together with 3 plans showing saved policies (1 for each area) and 3 plans showing policies which have not been saved. This is likely to be more work, and a bit more expensive, but has two advantages for us. Firstly, we believe it will be clearer for the public and other users, and secondly, it will help if, under the new planning regime, it is decided to go back to 3 individual local plans in the future.
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Joint Planning Unit Proposals Map

Hi Sarah, We produced a map combining the saved policies of the Council's UDP and the adopted Core Strategy policies. We also produced a combined seperate map (two sides) for the Development Management Policies Document and Site Allocations Document (i.e PPS12 requirements) at both proposed submisison and submission stage. Once both documents are adopted we will produce a final version. We have not refered back to old plans as they are not wholly relevant and many of the allocations have been updated or deleted. http://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/downloads/file/3676/core_strategy_proposals_map
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Joint Planning Unit Proposals Map

Thank you both for your responses. I don't think we would be able to produce one map containing saved and new Core Strategy policies as Adam suggested as the area we cover is very large, therefore doing this would lead to producing numerous insets. We also have the same problem as West Northamptonshire in that we have 3 old style local plans which contain different policies and different notations (the area we are planning for contains one city and two rural districts) so it would be difficult to bundle them all together on one map which is a shame as it would make it easier for me! Having spoken to colleagues about this we are looking into the approach Newark and Sherwood have taken. They just produced insets that showed new strategic proposals (+ PPS12 requirements on those areas) and referred back to their old Local Plan to which they attached an addendum explaining which policies were deleted. I think in the short term this may be the best (quickest and cheapest) approach for us and will give us time to look into producing 3 seperate plans in the future as suggested by David at West Northamptonshire.