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Village Green Applications Complicating Site Allocations

Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Village Green Applications Complicating Site Allocations

Hello, We are due to go out for public consultation on the Issues and Options stage of our Site Allocations DPD in February 2011. However, our list of possible startegic sites that may be considered for allocation has been complicated somewhat by local residents, aware of the allocations process, submitting VGAs to the County Council on several contentious greenfield spaces/sites. Given that the VGA process can be often drawn out, and will probably run beyond the Issues and Options stage, should we assume that the deliverability of the sites subject to VGAs is questionable; making the allocation of these sites difficult?
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Village Green Applications Complicating Site Allocations

The review of VGAs is likely to conclude prior to examination so I would give these applications very little weight.
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Village Green Applications Complicating Site Allocations

Mole Valley District Council has experienced similar issues - as soon as the SHLAA was published VGAs starting to emerge. As Andrew states the current VGA process is being reviewed as this type action prevent development is becomming more apparent. I am not sure how long a VGA takes, the one we had was close to a year, but if you are only at I&Os the application may have been determined by then. If you put the site forward now as a potential with the relevant caveats at least you would have undertaken the relevant consultation on the possibility of the site being allocated for development. If it suddenly appears in the DPD at the last minute, as the application has failed, then you may need to back track on consultation and sustainabilty appraisal processes. Just make sure you have sufficient alternatives to show you can meet your housing requirement! You may also wish to speak to the agent/landowner promoting the site for development and review the evidence they will be submitting in objection to the application. You may be able to judge with the county whether the application has potential and should/shouldnt be included in the DPD. Finally check the history/status of the site - I am guessing that it is either greenfield or green belt. I am not entirely sure but there is something about if it has an existing allocation then an application cannot be submitted.
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Village Green Applications Complicating Site Allocations

Thanks Andrew and Suzanne. Each of these sites are Council-owned. On this basis, do you believe that the County would be able to shed light on if the application has potential? The sites are urban greenfield sites and have not been allocated before. Your insight is greatly appreciated.
Mark Chant, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Village Green Applications Complicating Site Allocations

New Member Publications: 12 Date d'inscription: 20/10/11 Publications Récentes
I'd see if you can get more information from the County Council and also have a look through the rules so you can get a better understanding of what is likely to succeed. At this stage I wouldn't rule any site out, but any that are already within a development boundary/envelope I would be a bit more careful of as these tend to have a better chance of succeeding. Incidentally the chances of changes taking place to the registration system (to make it more difficult to register) in the next couple of years are very unlikely.